To work, we need the bareos-storage-droplet package installed. Alas, such a package is not available on ubuntu (which packages are available where - you need to look in the documentation).

Create a device in the storage /etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device/S3_ObjectStorage.conf from the following contents

Device {
  Name = Backblaze_S3_Object1
  Media Type = S3_Object1
  Archive Device = S3 Object Storage
  Device Options = "profile=/etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device/droplet/backblaze.profile,bucket=test-bareos,chunksize=100M,iothreads=8"
  Device Type = droplet
  Label Media = yes
  Random Access = yes
  Automatic Mount = yes
  Removable Media = no
  Always Open = no
  Description = "S3 device"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

Where test-bareos is the name of the bucket.

You need to pay attention to the size of the storage chunk. The speed of data recovery depends on this. On average, you need to have a window twice the size of the maximum file size that is backed up. But setting a size that is too small or too large is not entirely correct. This number is selected during the startup and operation process.

In the repository it will look like <volume name>/<chunk id>. <chunk id> itself looks like a four digit number.

In the file /etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device/droplet/backblaze.profile it looks like this:

host =
use_https = true
backend = s3
access_key = "<keyID>"
secret_key = "<applicationKey>"
pricing_dir = ""

Before filling it out, you need to create an Application key.


  • host - copy the address from S3 Endpoint, not forgetting to specify the https port. Otherwise it won’t work.
  • access_key - copy from keyID
  • applicationKey - copy from applicationKey
  • pricing_dir - leave it blank

There are many different advantages to this integration

When a backup occurs, the data is immediately uploaded to S3. Thanks to the iothreads option, you can avoid data loading failures during writing - by buffering the data.

Next we go to the director and set it up.

In the file /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/storage/S3_Object.conf we write

Storage {
  Name = S3_Object
  Address = ""
  Password = ""
  Device = "Backblaze_S3_Object1"
  Media Type = S3_Object1


  • Address - your storage server address
  • Password - connection password
  • Device и Media Type - we take it from storage.

Next, in order to use this new storage, you need to register it in the pools. Example:

Pool {
  Storage = S3_Object